The definition of what levels, WMMAFC fighters there are…


The following are rules which govern an amateur fighter under the World Kickboxing Organisation.

  • WMMAFC Amateur Fighters must be at least 7 years old to compete in Ring-Sports, though there is no minimum training age.

    • A WMMAFC Amateur Fighter is a junior from his 7th birthday (at which age he is eligible to hold a competitors licence)

    • It is recommended that Junior WMMAFC Amateur Fighters do not concede age, weight and experience more than 2yrs and 5k in weight in any contest. The final decision for any contest is the responsibility of the WMMAFC Chief Official in agreement with coaches and event orgnaniser.

    • With Children a parent or guardian will always have the final say, as they hold the responsibility for their child

    • A WMMAFC Amateur Fighter becomes a Senior on his/her 18th birthday. When s/he reaches his/her 35th birthday, he/she will be classed as a Veteran.

  • WMMAFC Amateur Fighters will box no more than 3 x 2 minute rounds none title bouts. In Open Championships and Internationals, fighters will box either 2 or 3 rounds at a time with an interval set by the event organiser, in line with WMMAFC Official Rules.

  • Commonly 3 x 2 minute rounds. In every case there will be an interval of one minute between rounds.

  • There are three classes of  WMMAFC Amateur Fighters:

    • A Novice C-Class is a WMMAFC Amateur Fighter who has not competed in any stage of an Open Championship or Gala.

    • An Intermediate B-Class is a WMMAFC Amateur Fighter who has entered and competed in an Open Championship or Gala but has not won a Regional Association Title, won a Novice Class ‘B’ Title or returned from professional competing.

    • An A-Class is a WMMAFC Amateur Fighter who has won a WMMAFC Open Championship, National WMMAFC  Title or reprisented his or her Country at World Championships.

  • Rounds duration: unless the conditions for Championships or other authorised events prescribe otherwise, the duration of bouts for Junior WMMAFC Amateur Fighters will be as follows:

  • WMMAFC Open Tournaments can consist of:
    2 x 1min Round 30 Seconds Rest
    2 x 1.5min Round 1 Minute Rest
    2 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest
    3 x 1min Round 30 Seconds Rest
    3 x 1.5min Round 1 Minute Rest
    3 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • WMMAFC Sanctioned Gala bouts may also consist of:
    WMMAFC Open Tournaments can consist of:
    2 x 1min Round 30 Seconds Rest
    2 x 1.5min Round 1 Minute Rest
    2 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest
    3 x 1min Round 30 Seconds Rest
    3 x 1.5min Round 1 Minute Rest
    3 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • Title Bouts on WMMAFC Sanctioned Gala’s will consist of:
    Under 12yrs
    Area Title
    3 x 1 Min Round 30 Seconds Rest
    National Title
    5 x 1 min Round 30 Seconds Rest
    International & Above
    5 x 1.5 Min Round 1 Minute Rest
    Under 18yrs
    Area Title
    3 x 2 Min Round 1 Minute Rest
    National & above
    5 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • Any amateur featuring on a WMMAFC sanctioned Gala event will not receive a fight purse. But can receive ticket commission at an agreed rate between promoter and fighter.


The following are rules which govern a PRO-AM fighter under the WORLD MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FEDERATION.

  • WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighters must be at least 18 years old to compete under PRO-AM Rules.

  • There are no contracts required for PRO-AM Fighters.

  • WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighter must hold a valid licence but is recommended that they also hold a competitor licence.

  • WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighters will box no more than 3 x 2 minute rounds with 1 minute rest none title bouts.

  • Title bouts shall be 5 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • There are two classes of WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighters:

    • An Intermediate B-Class is a WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighter who has had 10 or more fights.

    • An A-Class is a WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighter who has had over 20 fights.

  • Rounds duration: unless the conditions for authorised events prescribe otherwise the duration of bouts for WMMAFC PRO-AM Fighters will be as follows:
    None Title Bout 3 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest
    National Title & above
    5 x 2min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • At PMMAFC-AM level all fighters will not be required to wear head-guards. But will be required to wear all required protective equipment designed for the desired rules to be contested.

  • Any PRO-AM fighter featuring on any WMMAFC sanctioned Gala event will not receive a fight purse. But can receive ticket commission at an agreed rate between promoter and fighter.


The following are rules which govern a PROFESSIONAL fighter under the World Kickboxing Organisation.

  • WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighters must be at least 18 years old to compete under WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Rules.

  • A Contract must be signed and agreed between fighter and promoter listing and agreeing to all terms  prior to the scheduled bout.

  • A WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighter must hold a valid licence but is STRONGLY recommended that they hold a competitor licence.

  • WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighters will contest no less than the minimum 3 x 3 Minute rounds with 1 Minute rest (None title bouts)

  • Title bouts shall be 5 x 3min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • There are two classes of WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighters:

    • An Intermediate B-Class is a WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighter who has had at least 10 Fights.

    • An A-Class is a WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighter who has had at least 20 Fights.

  • Rounds duration: WMMAFC PROFESSIONAL Fighters will be as follows:
    None Title Bout
    3 x 3min Round 1 Min Rest
    National Title & above
    5 x 3min Round 1 Minute Rest

  • At PROFESSIONAL level all fighters will be NOT BE ALLOWED to wear head-guards. But will be required to wear all required protective equipment designed for their desired rules.

  • Any PROFESSIONAL featuring on any WMMAFC sanctioned Gala MUST receive a fight purse. And/Or can receive ticket commission at an agreed rate between promoter and fighter.

In all instances all levels of fighters must be fit to fight, pass pre-fight medical and hold a current and valid licence.

WMMAFC strongly recommends that all fighters hold a competitor’s licence.
